Karen Villanueva

Running Start Advisor

Email kvillanueva@softlawinternationale.net
OfficeBldg. 7 Rm: 145
Dept.Dual Enrollment: Running Start/Fresh Start


Gender/Gender-Neutral Pronouns

What day(s) of the week are you available?
Monday – Friday

Other language(s) spoken besides English 
Spanish, Korean

Post-Secondary Degree
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology  

Advisor Headline
If I don't know the answer, we can figure it out together.

About Me
I am very passionate about higher education! And I really enjoy learning about others and understanding relationships. Some of my favorite pastimes are reading, studying language, thrifting, and cooking.  

What do you enjoy most about academic advising?
I love meeting with students to help with their plans.  

Favorite Place in Tacoma. Why?
Titlow Beach. I’ve seen some of the most beautiful sunsets there. 

Image of campus commons

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